After the group organized to record their debut CD BourgieBohoPostPomoAfroHomo (2001) and began to get local and national bookings the on basis of this small, yet important website presence, the need to consolidate the efforts and make the growing collection of music and connections to community readily accessible took on greater importance.
It has been Juba's intent to share the wealth of knowledge around the art of self promotion he has have accumulated, as well as his musical and artistic idiosyncracies. In addition to Deep Dickollective's CD catalog and new music by Juba Kalamka, the soon-to-be updated sugartruck site will continue to include links to the sites of a variety of artist friends/co-creators and activists, as well as merchandise, performance info, and more.
I hope you enjoy what I've have begun to provide here, and please feel free to email me at j jubakalamka(at)gmail(dot)com with your questions, comments and suggestions.
Juba Kalamka
Site Contents ©2001-2018 Sugartruck Recordings ,LLC